Chakra Muladhara tea, supports good functioning of the adrenal glands - important for physical survival and our ability to control stress, good end-stage colon health, effective detoxification and metabolism, calmness, feeling of stability and groundedness.
Chakra Swadhishthana tea, supports normal functioning of the sexual organs and sexual health, as well as good bladder, urinary tract and small intestine health, a sense of harmony, ability to enjoy life, high creative energy, creativity.
Chakra Manipura tea, helps balance the Chakra Manipura, which is responsible for the stomach, liver, spleen and pancreas, good kidney health, strong will, self-confidence, optimism, activity, responsibility, decision-making ability
Chakra Anahata tea, helps balance the Chakra Anahata which is responsible for the normal state of the heart and lungs, good immune defense, compassion, empathy, the ability to give and receive unconditional love, and the ability to forgive, including oneself.
Chakra Vishuddha Tea, assists in balancing the Chakra Vishuddha, which is responsible for the good condition of the pharynx and larynx, resistance to infection in these areas, normal thyroid function, unstrained shoulders and neck, the ability to communicate and express, clear expression, not holding back negative emotions
Chakra Ajna tea, helps balance the Chakra Ajna, which is responsible for well-functioning vision, hearing, smell, normal sinus condition, ability to visualize, insight, discernment, concentration and logical thinking.
Chakra Sahasrara Tea , helps balance the Chakra Sahasrara , which is responsible for normal functioning of the pineal gland and central nervous system, good mental health, spirituality, wisdom, enlightenment, clarity of mind, sense of oneness with the universe.