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Midsummer Day - the magic of herbs!

Midsummer is a holiday in the Bulgarian folk calendar, It is celebrated on 24 June every year. It is the longest day of the year, filled with hope and faith in the good powers of nature. According to folk beliefs from this day the length of the day begins to decrease and the year tends towards winter. Before it takes its course, however, the sun stops to rest and say goodbye to the world, which he will not see for a whole year. On this date the Eastern Orthodox Christian Church celebrates the Nativity of St. John John the Baptist.

The days around Midsummer mark the middle of the year, when the sun reaches its zenith. It is believed that on the night before Midsummer herbs have the greatest power. According to tradition, this is when each herb gains its healing On the night of Midsummer and water has healing power.This is the most secret and mysterious night of the year.

Right at sunrise, everyone should face the the sun and watch his shadow over his shoulder. If it is reflected in its entirety, the man will be healthy during the year, but if it appears halfway, he will be ill. Old Bulgarians remember the tales of their ancestors. They told them that whoever sees how Sun plays on the morning of the feast, will be healthy all year. The power of The power of the Sun made the water healing, and the morning dew contained magic. Whoever washed his eyes, or rolled through the dew, also had health awaiting him.

The magical power of herbs continues not to ignored today. Fortune tellers and fortune tellers go before sunrise to to pick the plants to make magic potions with them. Despite the legendary and magical nature of these traditions, many people continue to practice picking herbs on Midsummer morning.

The beauty of Midsummer lies in the Bulgarian spirit, which has been preserved through the long centuries of development and turning points in history. Undisturbed by time or reality, the traditions have preserved their mystical beauty and will probably live forever in the beautiful lands of mother Bulgaria.

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