
Антиалергия Фитолек – Капсули

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Nutritional supplement to stimulate the body's anti-allergic and immune defenses, as well as to increase resistance to stress.

СЪСТАВ НА 1 РАСТИТЕЛНА КАПСУЛА Антиалергия Фитолек – Капсули:

вит. С – 150 мг., вит. В6 – 4 мг., вит. Д3 – 200 IU, калций – 200 мг., магнезий – 100 мг., цинк – 7,5 мг., ленено масло– 20 мг.


– Calcium. It plays an important role in metabolism and contributes to

maintenance of normal tone of blood vessels and normal excitability of nervous and muscle tissues. Calcium is also very necessary for people prone to allergic reactions, as it stimulates the body's anti-allergic defenses. The good condition of the skin, nails, hair and bones and teeth is also directly dependent on the level of calcium in the body.

– Magnesium and vitamin B6. In combination, they play an extremely important role in eliminating the nervous and mental stress that constantly accumulates in our everyday life. This is of great importance in the frequent cases where allergic complaints are provoked or aggravated by stressful situations. In addition, magnesium is directly involved in the body's anti-allergic defense.

– Цинк. Той е изключително важен за човека, тъй като влиза в състава на повече от 200 ензима, осигуряващи нормалното протичане на жизнените процеси. Цинкът, също както калцият и магнезият, е изключително необходим за доброто здраве на кожата, а тя страда изключително често при наличие на алергия. Недостигът на цинк в човешкия организъм може да доведе и до нарушена имунна защита със склонност към инфектиране на увредените от алергията и разчесването кожни участъци.

– Vitamin C. This vitamin plays an extremely important role in stimulating the body's anti-allergic and immune defenses. Vitamin C is responsible for maintaining the connective tissue in the human body in a normal state, including that involved in the construction of the skin and vascular walls, and this is of extreme importance in the presence of an allergy with skin damage. It helps to seal the capillary wall and reduce its permeability, thus blocking the formation of edema.

– Vitamin D. It supports the absorption of calcium by the body and together with vit. With stimulates immune and anti-allergic protection. This is of utmost importance when prone to both respiratory and skin allergies and infections.

- Linseed oil. It is rich in unsaturated fatty acids and other biologically active substances, which are extremely beneficial for health, including in the presence of allergic problems.


за стимулиране на противоалергичната и имунната защита; за повишаване на устойчивостта на стрес; за благоприятно повлияване на костната здравина и на състоянието на кожа, нокти и коса; подкрепя здравината и еластичността на съдовите стени


1-2 капсули дневно или според препоръката на медицинския специалист.



Prepared and packaged by Bulgarian Tea Company Ltd
Price 29.50лв. per package
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